The Love of My Life!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Brooklyn's Homecoming Dance 2011

 Last night, I put curlers in her hair and I felt like she was my baby girl again!  Then this afternoon... THIS was the finished product!!  I can't believe this is the same fat baby I held in my arms a few years ago!  Just a lot less fat and a lot more time!
The kid taking her is a great friend-Michael. But just a friend.  Adam didn't even feel like he had to get out the gun...yet!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Spanish Fork Half Marathon

I've come to accept that life will always be crazy busy. So I try to really enjoy the time I do have with my wonderful husband and my sweet daughters. And when I can't be with them, I really enjoy running!
This Morning I ran the Spanish Fork Half Marathon. I finished in 2:28. That beats my PR by 7 minutes!!
So today, I get to have the best run of my life (thus far) and a day with my family!  Doesn't get any better than this!
Hope all of you are getting time with the people you love and doing the things you love to do. Life's too short to waste a minute being sad and lonely!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Provo City Half Marathon

I ran the Provo City 1/2 Marathon this weekend. I've been sick for several days- not ideal for race-week! I had my physical on Friday, so I had the doctor check my ears and throat while I was there. No sense in paying for two appointments, right?! Diagnosis: Sinus infection. I haven't been sleeping well, but we have yet to run a race with a good night sleep- Right Emily?! I woke up feeling yucky, but determined. It was a beautiful morning for a run. I started out strong. but around mile 2 (of 13!) my nose started to run (, still not with it!)
For the next mile or so, I was drowned on snot. Slowed me down a little, but did make me feel a little better. I finished in 2 hours 36 minutes. My best time last year was 2:35, so I was pretty excited. Today... I'm hobbling around and my head is still stuffy. But I got my medal. :)
It's amazing how running keeps me centered. I can't really explain it to a non-runner, but Aaron, Emily and Brent know what I mean. Even with the pain and the drawn out illness this week, I still would do it again! Can't wait for the next one! Just glad it's not too soon!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

You ask for an update?.....

We're surviving. I'm still running and loving it. Our finances have been a little stressed, but we are making it. I'm running another half marathon in May. My baby girl Lacey (almost 14... not so baby!) has committed to run a 5k with me every month from May through August. It's nice to have a family member willing to participate in my obsesive madness! :) Overall things are good. Brook is now 16 and has her learners permit! The proceedure to get ones drivers licence is quite lengthly now, but she'll be there before we know it! Emily is about to welcome baby Jeffery into her family! So exciting to have a sweet little boy to complete the Beers family! In a few months I'll welcome her with open arms back into the infectious running life! And Adam... I'm so lucky to be in this mess called life with my best friend and soul mate. Together we still find happiness and reasons to laugh. I'm greatful for all I have. I know whatever challenges we face, we'll make it! Hope all of you are doing well! Love and kisses to all!