The Love of My Life!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Provo City Half Marathon

I ran the Provo City 1/2 Marathon this weekend. I've been sick for several days- not ideal for race-week! I had my physical on Friday, so I had the doctor check my ears and throat while I was there. No sense in paying for two appointments, right?! Diagnosis: Sinus infection. I haven't been sleeping well, but we have yet to run a race with a good night sleep- Right Emily?! I woke up feeling yucky, but determined. It was a beautiful morning for a run. I started out strong. but around mile 2 (of 13!) my nose started to run (, still not with it!)
For the next mile or so, I was drowned on snot. Slowed me down a little, but did make me feel a little better. I finished in 2 hours 36 minutes. My best time last year was 2:35, so I was pretty excited. Today... I'm hobbling around and my head is still stuffy. But I got my medal. :)
It's amazing how running keeps me centered. I can't really explain it to a non-runner, but Aaron, Emily and Brent know what I mean. Even with the pain and the drawn out illness this week, I still would do it again! Can't wait for the next one! Just glad it's not too soon!