The Love of My Life!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

What have I become!

What has happened to me! A friend at work has lovingly named me "THE RUNNING NAZI"! I've heard running is addicting... but really... I started going to the gym on October 1st. Shortly after my last post. I thought I was going for the elliptical, but quickly got addicted to the treadmill. Now I run 5.5 to 6 miles 3 or 4 times a week.

So, I have a new disease, and yes it is contagious. I caught it from Emily. Aaron and Dani were also key players in my new obsession. :)

Quite the contrary to my last post, I have an announcement to make:

I'm signing up for a 1/2 marathon in May!! Yes, Emily, I'm doing it!

Emily, I blame you mostly. ;) I'm already nervous. But during my run today (6.1 miles), I started to get really excited about it. My next concern, ...will this spawn a marathon run in my future?? One thing at a time! Let's see if this 1/2 marathon breaks me first! To finish in the allotted amount of time,. I need to average a 4.5 mph pace. I usually run 5.5 to 6.5 mph. can I keep this up for 3 hours?... Pray for me! ;)

Massive THANK YOU's to Emily for infecting me, Aaron for inspiring me, and Dani for out doing me! Love to you all! I'll keep you updated on my treatment schedule! I can't wait to see what happens next....



This is so exciting!! If you can already do over six, you will definitely be able to do it. I wish that we could join you guys. That would be so fun. Your time will also pick up. I only ran for 15 minutes my first time and I did less than a mile - almost killed myself! If I can do then you certainly can! I am so excited to hear more about it. How funny that we are all doing this. Who would have thought we were a running family a year ago!

Emily said...

Yea! Yea! Yea!! How fun Bethany! It will be so much fun! I am so proud of what you - and everyone in our family has accomplished! YAHOOO!!!

Dave & Kandy Daniels said...

You are so AMAZING!!! I am so proud of you, and your whole family. Keep up the good work. Maybe you should come over here and rub some of that running bug on me. I could use it ;) Love ya lots!!

LL said...

Go Bethany! That is so cool - I've always wanted to run a marathon, but am so extremely lazy I haven't made it happen yet. Maybe the bug will make it out his way... :-)