The Top Of Utah Marathon is in the fall. September I believe.... I'm already committed to the half marathon in May. The question now is, am I obsessed enough to do a full marathon later this year? What do you think my loyal followers?
BTW.... I ran 10 miles last Wednesday. Felt good! this 1/2 marathon will be a piece of cake, with 800 mg of ibuprofen on the side!
No doubt at all that you could do the full marathon by September. Go for it!!
But awesome for you! I wished I liked running. If it's farther than running from my car to my apartment, I am just not on board, but I'm glad someone is!!
Go get 'em!
I totally think you should do it. Let us know and we will come and support you running it. I think Aaron is going to run St. George this year. But who knows maybe he will do both I don't know. But it will be fun to watch you run a marathon.
I definitely say yes! You know that you will have a place to stay, and someone who will even feed you all of your meals! Who would say no to that? I'll certainly be here to cheer you on too!!!
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