The Love of My Life!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Seriously. . . Who hits themselves in the face with a rubber mallet? . . . Or drops a bowling ball on their own toe. . . Oh wait!. . .
This is a week after the rubber mallet accident. To my family. . .This is from the incident a few years ago - NOT a new recurrence! Just wanted to share one of my many talents. :)


Emily said...

Ouch! I never did see any pictures of that incident. That looks like it hurt! I am glad to hear that this wasn't a new accident :).

Leah Kynaston said...

It does look like it hurts! I don't think I have heard about this accident. I do remember hearing about the bowling ball.

Dave & Kandy Daniels said...

WOOHOO!!!! I'm so excited I found your blog...or that you started one!

Love the black eye. You wear it well :)

Did I say I was excited to find your blog? That just made my night!

Love you!!

Anonymous said...

...nice move, mom.

Brookie said...

yeah. nice.

LL said...

OUCH! Crazy the way some things hurt so much and never leave a mark, and sometimes I'll find a huge ugly bruise and have no idea where I got it.

Of course, if I hit myself in the face with a mallet, I'd probably remember that one. :-)