The Love of My Life!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 1, 2010

TOU Marathon!

I've been talking about this for nearly a year. Now I'm weeks late with the update!
It was beautiful weather. The leaves were changing and there was a brisk breeze at my back. That made for a great start! However, I regret that I didn't do more down hill running during my training. By the time I hit mile 14, my ankles, and knees were swollen. and one hip was popping. This is also the first place Emily and Lacey met me. I started to cry when I saw them- not from the pain (necessarily), but the overwhelming sense of love and support I had. At only one point I thought I may not finish. But I worked too long and too hard to not finish, even if It meant crawling over the finish line. My hope was to finish in under 6 hours. My final time was 5:57. Not great, but a finish nonetheless!
The days that followed were rough. I threw-up for 3 days, and couldn't walk for a week. It's been 2 weeks now and my knees and ankles are still sore. I haven't ran since then. Not for lack of trying, but when I do, it feels like me body is going to fall to pieces.
WAS IT WORTH IT?? ABSOLUTELY! It was an incredible feeling to actually cross that finish line. Even with the pain that followed . I don't think I'll be able to do another FULL marathon. My body can't keep up with me! But I'll definitely do another 1/2!
I can't wait to run again! Aaron told me he takes a month off after a marathon. (Way to go Aaron on running MULTIPLE marathons!!) So I'll give myself a little more time, than get back on it! Thank you to all for your love and support!
I didn't have a camera there, I know others in my family did! Please email me any pictures you have! In the mean time: Here's a link to my pictures on the course. Just search by Weight, Bethany. I only remember 2 cameras during my run, so that smile is REAL happy! But notice the tears at the end!